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VYHLEDÁNO V TITULCÍCH: počet nalezených příspěvků: 5 | počet nalezených příspěvků na BRÁNĚ: 17
Occupational musculoskeletal diseases: multimedia guide for the English programme students
This multimedia guide is especially meant for teaching Occupational medicine in the master degree programme General Medicine in English. Illustrative and comprehensive processing of the theme of musculoskeletal diseases is aimed at a more detailed introduction into these up-to-date problems.
Except for the most frequent upper extremity diseases caused by the exposure to hand-treansmitted vibration and overload, disorders of the vertebral column and lower extremities are discussed. Furthermore, occupational diseases assessment systems of other countries, expecially of those from which the foreign students come from, are mentioned. Case-reports, an English-Czech glossary of occupations and a test of knowledge are included. Short-form videos directly from the workplaces, such as stome quarries, foundries, assembly lines, medical or artistic working environments show operations which can lead to health disturbances.
We hope that the readers will enjoy the opportunity of comfortable studying the discipline in the FlipViewer technology.
Trendy v laboratorní medicíně
Prezentace dokumentuje bouřlivý rozvoj laboratorní medicíny v 21. století a uvádí její hlavní rysy a trendy do budoucnosti.
Základné diagnostické metódy v medicíne
Klasifikácia - biochemické, fyzikálne mechanické , elektrické, optické a optoelektrické, ultrazvukové metódy. Metódy nukleárnej medicíny.
Science & Research at the First Faculty of medicine, Charles University in Prague
Web http://science.lf1.cuni.cz contains information of scientific and research activities of departments and institutes of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. This site can help foreign universities find partners for their research projects. Each workplace shows contacts, website's URL, bibliography and the summary of its research activities.
Getting started with team based learning at the Faculty of medicine Comenius University in Bratislava
The education and training of medical doctors and other health professionals are undergoing fundamental transformation in a worldwide context. The traditional teaching models are currently being substituted or complemented by up-to date study models. They open more space to innovative pedagogic strategies that facilitate active learning and student-centred teaching approaches.
Team-based learning (TBL) is an innovative teaching/learning strategy that is based on students’ learning in small teams. It is a relatively new approach in medical education, but the evidence for its academic effectiveness in this field is growing.
Authors of the booklet provide an overview of the basic concepts of the TBL and share their experience with introducing TBL into physiology teaching of medical students.
VÝSLEDKY NALEZENÉ VE FULLTEXTU: počet nalezených příspěvků: 17 | počet nalezených příspěvků na BRÁNĚ: 96
Neuroophthalmology - Diseases of the Optic Nerve and the Visual Pathways
.. for General Medicine and Stomatology students
Neuro-ophthalmology is an academically-oriented.. .. subspecialty that merges the fields of neurology and ophthalmology, often dealing with.. .. for General Medicine and Stomatology students
Neuro-ophthalmology is.. .. like optic neuritis, papilloedema etc. and gives students the basic knowledge important for pregradual.. .. exam is essential, and neuro-ophthalmologists often spend a significant amount of time with their..
Structure of Matter From Biophysical Point of View
.. lecture „Structure of Matter From Biophysical Point of View“ is.. .. applications of physics at microscopic level in medicine. It explains the fundamental problem of science,.. .. [?] Klinicky citlivé [?] Licencia Structure of Matter From Biophysical Point of View 4.3.2019.. .. Medical Physics, Biophysics, Informatics and Telemedicine Súvisiace články: Dosimetry. Ra.. ..klíčová slova: in medicine, structure analysis, forms of matter, physical interactions, Heisenberg.. ..klíčová slova: in medicine, structure analysis, forms of matter, physical..
Basic anatomy and physiology of the eye and visual pathways
.. by the cornea — the clear front surface of the eye, which acts like a camera lens.
The iris.. .. that controls our sense of sight. Lecture for students deals with basic anatomy and physiology but also.. .. on near and approaching objects, like an autofocus camera lens. Light focused by the cornea and..
.. skin seems to be simply external coverage of the human body. This statement is not completely.. .. guidelines for care of the burn victims for students of medical faculties. Prílohy: .. .. to provide first aid and primary emergency care of the burn victims. Furthermore, every physician.. ..klíčová slova: first aid, management of burns, rehabilitation,..
Verejné zdravotníctvo a imunizácia
.. spôsobov ochrany zdravia v modernej medicíne. Vplyv očkovania na zdravie celej populácie a z..
Bezpečnosť práce s počítačom
.. Informatika [ULI/I-LM/22] Informačné systémy v medicíne [ULI/ISM-V/09] Informačné systémy v medicíne [IS..
Biochémia Alzheimerovej choroby
.. % ľudí nad 65 rokov. Vďaka prevratným objavom v medicíne v súčasnosti vzrastá počet obyvateľov planéty, kt..
Oxidačný stres a možnosti jeho detekcie
.. týkajúce sa významu a úlohy oxidačného stresu v medicíne.
Autorka sa v jednotlivých kapitolách zamerala n..
Deník ošetřovatelské praxe – Intenzivní péče
.. Ošetřovatelská péče v resuscitační a intenzivní medicíně I - cvičení [MIKOS0121] Pracoviště: Katedra oše..
Home mechanical ventilation in a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
.. in X-linked recessive pattern. Mutation of dystrophin gene results into a loss of integrity.. .. department in order to assess development of respiratory failure and need to initiate.. .. 66.02 KB MEFANET user Predmety/kurzy Internal Medicine 1 [IK/IM-G1/16] Internal Medicine 1..
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
.. (OHS) is defined as the combined presence of obesity (BMI > 30kg/m2) with awake arterial.. .. specialist and was admitted to deparment of respiratory diseases. He reported fragmented.. .. 223.48 KB MEFANET user Predmety/kurzy Internal Medicine 3 [IK/IM-DM3/15] Internal Medicine 1..
.. serious public health concern and a major cause of mortality and morbidity. Despite advances in.. .. 48-year old patient was referred to Department of respiratory diseases by general practitioner.. .. 1.1.2018 anyone – Predmety/kurzy Internal Medicine 1 [IK/IM-G1/16] Internal Medicine 3..
Autoimmune hepatitis
.. with hypergammaglobulinaemia and the presence of circulating autoantibodies. In most cases it.. .. patient was followed up by his GP because of long-term cholestatic hepatic enzymes (GMT, ALP).. .. 4th Department of Internal Medicine..
Aortic dissection
.. breach in the integrity of the aortic wall allows arterial blood to enter.. .. Demková~authors.php?tid=377#Jana Grof.. .. 55-year-old patient with a history of arterial hypertension, an active smoker, with a.. .. difference in the upper extremities, in medicine is often, that not all symtoms may be present...
.. Robert Furda, Ing.(3), Michal Greguš, prof. RNDr. PhD.(3): 1) Klinika oftalmológie LFUK, .. .. SLA. V roku 1993 Massachusetts Institute of Technology patentoval technológiu, ktorá p.. .. náhradou. Ďalším podobným použitím 3D tlače v medicíne je náhrada lebečnej fraktúry a deformácie u Ste..
Disekcia hrudníkovej aorty
.. Demková~autori.php?tid=377#Jana Grof.. .. tlakov na horných končatinách, ako to už v medicíne často býva, nemusia byť prítomné všetky. Keďže v ..
Klinicko-anatomické aspekty kardiovaskulárneho a lymfatického systému
.. na ich klinický význam a praktické využitie v medicíne. .. .. 2. oválny nodus atrioventricularis (Tawara- Ashoff) leží v tesnej blízkosti cípu trojcípovej chlo..