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VYHLEDÁNO V TITULCÍCH: počet nalezených příspěvků: 2 | počet nalezených příspěvků na BRÁNĚ: 1
Total atelectasis of the right lung due to bronchogenic carcinoma
Despite the emerging developments in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer in recent years, it is still the most lethal among all cancers. Atelectasis is a common condition with lung cancer. Central bronchogenic tumors often induce atelectasis due to endobronchial obstruction but less frequently due to compression of tumor or pleural effusion. The presented case describes case of a patient, who was repeatedly admitted to the Department of Pneumology and Phtiseology due to bronchogenic carcinoma with the future release of it´s complications including obstructive atelectasis of the right lung.
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Management of breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed life-threatening cancer in women and the leading cause of cancer death among them worldwide. It includes a heterogeneous collection of diseases with various histologically defined subsets, clinical presentations, responses to treatment and outcomes. We describe a case of female patient with ductal breast carcinoma.
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VÝSLEDKY NALEZENÉ VE FULLTEXTU: počet nalezených příspěvků: 5 | počet nalezených příspěvků na BRÁNĚ: 3
.. translucent or transparent due to the absence of the.. .. conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia (carcinoma in situ, dysplasia), conjunctival squamous cell.. .. the Caucasian population. However, the reason of the prevalence of these lesions in a particular.. ..klíčová slova: tumor, papiloma, nevus, melanoma, carcinoma..
Cardiac tamponade due to cardiac metastases
.. a clinical syndrome caused by the accumulation of fluid or gas in the pericardial space, resulting.. .. she was diagnosed with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma 3 years ago and underwent total laryngectomy and.. .. was brought to internal emergency department of University Hospital in Kosice by ambulance..
Bazocelulárny karcinóm nosa s rekonštrukciou regionálnym transpozičným dvojitým lalokom
.. karcinóm (basal cell carcinoma - BCC) predstavuje v súčasnosti takmer 80% v.. .. vzdelávacej siete MEFANET Predmety/kurzy Maxilofaciálna chirurgia 1 [SK/MFCH-ZL1/15] ..
Atelektáza pravého pľúcneho krídla na podklade bronchogénneho karcinómu
.. pľúc, tj. kategória non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) pri neprítomnosti klinických príznakov sv.. .. orgánoch. Fibrobronchoskopické vyšetrenie: exofyticky rastúci tumor úplne obturujúci pravý hla..
Manažment karcinómu prsníka
.. poľa. Sentinelova uzlina je detekovaná vysokofrekvenčným zvukom, ktorý vydáva detektor pri náj.. ..klíčová slova: Carcinoma in situ prsu, karcinóm prsníka, diagnostika, c..