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VYHLEDÁNO V TITULCÍCH: počet nalezených příspěvků: 5 | počet nalezených příspěvků na BRÁNĚ: 10



K najefektívnejším spôsobom prevencie prenosných ochorení a navodenia imunity jedinca i kolektívu patrí imunizácia. Pod týmto pojmom rozumieme vytváranie nešpecifickej a špecifickej imunitnej odpovede v ľudskom organizme na vakcínový antigén, adjuvans alebo ostatné zložky vakcíny. Samotná vakcinácia alebo očkovanie je vlastné vpravenie očkovacej látky do organizmu.

autor: Henrieta Hudečková | JLF UK v Martine | disciplína: Epidemiologie, preventivní lékařství, hygiena | kategorie: Pedagogické diela | klíčová slova: vakcinológia, vakcína, očkovanie | příloh: 1 | zobrazeno: 5801x | publikováno: 8. 6. 2009 | poslední úpravy: 16. 2. 2016

Mitral valve replacement and MAZE procedure because of mitral valve stenosis and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

Mitral valve replacement and MAZE procedure because of mitral valve stenosis and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

The case report describes the hospitalization of a 63-year-old patient admitted to the Department of heart surgery for mitral valve stenosis with diagnosed atrial fibrillation. The patient underwent mitral valve replacement and MAZE procedure. At the postoperative period, paroxysm of atrial fibrillation was successfully detected with a successful version. On the tenth postoperative day, the patient was placed in outpatient care.

Are the case reports useful for you? Would you also require case reports from other clinical disciplines? Do you have any comments or suggestions for improvement? Please provide your feedback by filling out a short questionnaire.

autor: Tomáš Toporcer | UPJŠ LF v Košiciach | disciplína: Kardiologie, angiologie, Chirurgie, traumatologie, ortopedie | kategorie: Multimedia, Case reports | klíčová slova: Mitral valve stenosis, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation | příloh: 15 | zobrazeno: 2627x | publikováno: 22. 11. 2017 | poslední úpravy: 26. 3. 2021

Mitral valve reconstruction because of Barlow's disease with mitral insufficiency, perioperative SAM (systolic anterior motion)

Mitral valve reconstruction because of Barlow's disease with mitral insufficiency, perioperative SAM (systolic anterior motion)

The case report describes the hospitalization of a 26 year old male with M. Barlow. The mitral valvuloplasty was performed. However, the peroperative ultrasonographic finding documented prolapse of the anterior cusp of the mitral valve into the outflow tract of left ventricle. The surgery was supplemented with a suture of the A2-PA segments of mitral valve. The subsequent finding was satisfactory. No more serious postoperative complications were noted. The patient was admitted to outpatient care on the eighth postoperative day.

Are the case reports useful for you? Would you also require case reports from other clinical disciplines? Do you have any comments or suggestions for improvement? Please provide your feedback by filling out a short questionnaire.

autor: Tomáš Toporcer | UPJŠ LF v Košiciach | disciplína: Kardiologie, angiologie, Chirurgie, traumatologie, ortopedie | kategorie: Multimedia, Case reports | klíčová slova: M. Barlow, mitral valve insufficiency | příloh: 14 | zobrazeno: 2741x | publikováno: 22. 11. 2017 | poslední úpravy: 26. 3. 2021

Aortic valve replacement because of aortic valve stenosis, repair of tricuspid valve because of regurgitation

Aortic valve replacement because of aortic valve stenosis, repair of tricuspid valve because of regurgitation

The case study describes the hospitalization of women with aortic valve stenosis and secondary regurgitation of the tricuspid valve. The patient underwent aortic valve replacement by bioprosthesis and repair surgery of the tricuspid valve. The postoperative course was complicated by pneumohorax on the right side. Drainage was performed. The patient was placed in outpatient care on the eighth postoperative day.

Are the case reports useful for you? Would you also require case reports from other clinical disciplines? Do you have any comments or suggestions for improvement? Please provide your feedback by filling out a short questionnaire.

autor: Tomáš Toporcer | UPJŠ LF v Košiciach | disciplína: Kardiologie, angiologie, Chirurgie, traumatologie, ortopedie | kategorie: Multimedia, Case reports | klíčová slova: Aortic valve stenosis, tricuspid valve insufficiency, pneumothorax | příloh: 13 | zobrazeno: 2084x | publikováno: 22. 11. 2017 | poslední úpravy: 26. 3. 2021

Ascending aorta replacement and repair of aortic valve because of ascending aorta aneurysm and bicuspid aortic valve with regurgitation

Ascending aorta replacement and repair of aortic valve because of ascending aorta aneurysm and bicuspid aortic valve with regurgitation

The case report describes the hospitalization of a patient with an ascending aortic aneurysm and a bicuspidal aortic valve. Valvular surgery with an annular annuloplasty ring implant was performed. At the same time, replacement of the ascending aorta was performed. There were no more serious complications in the postoperative period and the patient was released to outpatient care on the eighth postoperative day.

Are the case reports useful for you? Would you also require case reports from other clinical disciplines? Do you have any comments or suggestions for improvement? Please provide your feedback by filling out a short questionnaire.

autor: Tomáš Toporcer | UPJŠ LF v Košiciach | disciplína: Kardiologie, angiologie, Chirurgie, traumatologie, ortopedie | kategorie: Multimedia, Case reports | klíčová slova: aortic valve surgery, bikuspidal aortic valve | příloh: 18 | zobrazeno: 1779x | publikováno: 22. 11. 2017 | poslední úpravy: 26. 3. 2021

VÝSLEDKY NALEZENÉ VE FULLTEXTU: počet nalezených příspěvků: 75 | počet nalezených příspěvků na BRÁNĚ: 217

Ochrana autorských práv na webovém portálu LF MU

Orálna mukozitída pri liečbe akútnej lymfoblastovej leukémie

Akútna myeloblastová leukémia

Aortic dissection

Ochorenia sietnice

Journey of a swallowed wooden stick to the liver

Efektivní eLearning v praxi

Parodontitis dospelých

Getting started with team based learning at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava

Základy MR diagnostiky

H o r m o n y

Disekcia hrudníkovej aorty

Konstriktívna perikarditída, reoperácia

Akútna lymfoblastová leukémia u pacientky s Ph pozitívnym chromozómom


Aortokoronárny bypass

Juvenilná idiopatická artritída

Legislatíva SR v oblasti pracovného lekárstva

Pôsobenie prachu na človeka a ochrana zdravia pred nepriaznivými účinkami prachu

Náhrada ascendentnej aorty pre aneuryzmu ascendentnej aorty a plastika bikuspidálnej aortálnej chlopne pre kombinovanú chybu

Plastika mitrálnej chlopne pre M. Barlow (s regurgitáciou) s peroperačným SAM (prolaps predného cípu mitrálnej chlopne do výtokového traktu ľavej komory)

Autoimmune hepatitis

Náhrada aortálnej chlopne, plastika trikuspidálnej chlopne

Náhrada mitrálnej chlopne pre stenózu a MAZE pre paroxyzmálnu fibriláciu predsiení

Acute abdomen - gallstone ileus

Appendicitis acuta and Meckel diverticulum

Aortic valve replacement because of aortic valve stenosis, repair of tricuspid valve because of regurgitation

Mitral valve replacement and MAZE procedure because of mitral valve stenosis and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

Management of breast cancer

Ascending aorta replacement and repair of aortic valve because of ascending aorta aneurysm and bicuspid aortic valve with regurgitation

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