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A two stage non extraction treatment of distoocclusion with proclination of upper incisors (AII/1)

A two stage non extraction treatment of distoocclusion with proclination of upper incisors  (AII/1)

A two stage treatment of distoocclusion with proclination of upper incisors (AII/1) is very efficient in correctly indicated cases and the timing of the treatment is essential. During the growth spurt the removable functional appliance is placed in the mouth (in this case bionator) to provide the bite shift to AI class and to raise the deep bite by correctly trimmed functional appliance. The second phase of the treatment with fixed appliance is reduced and only the anomalies of the position of individual teeth are corrected.

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autor: Renáta Urban, Vladimíra Schwartzova | UPJŠ LF v Košiciach | disciplína: Zubní lékařství | kategorie: Case reports | klíčová slova: distoocclusion, proclination of upper incisors | příloh: 6 | zobrazeno: 1741x | publikováno: 31. 12. 2019 | poslední úpravy: 19. 11. 2021

VÝSLEDKY NALEZENÉ VE FULLTEXTU: počet nalezených příspěvků: 9 | počet nalezených příspěvků na BRÁNĚ: 5

Treatment of overjet by retraction of frontal teeth to temporary anchorage devices (TADs)
.. overjet may be caused by excessive proclination of upper incisors with prominent maxilla or on.. .. overjet may be caused by excessive proclination of upper incisors with prominent maxilla or on the.. .. may be caused by excessive proclination of upper incisors with prominent maxilla or on the other.. .. may be caused by excessive proclination of upper incisors with prominent maxilla or on the other hand by.. .. growth pattern; Crowding of lower frontal teeth; Proclination of upper frontal teeth; Upper labial frenulum.. .. 25 year old woman enquired about possibilities of orthodontic treatment for enhancing her facial.. .. not present, display of half of the crowns of upper incisors, incisal edges don’t copy the lip.. .. present, display of half of the crowns of upper incisors, incisal edges don’t copy the lip line. .. ..klíčová slova: overjet, retraction of frontal..

Combined orthodontic-surgical treatment of impacted teeth
.. erupt into its position in the right time of his physiological eruption, is covered by bone.. .. old girl referred by her family dentist because of persistent deciduous teeth 53, 63. Medical.. .. pathological signs, good periodontal condition, upper labial frenulum inserts to the incisive papilla... .. impacted canines right behind the roots of upper incisors, there is usually need to pull them away from..

Occupational musculoskeletal diseases: multimedia guide for the English programme students
.. Illustrative and comprehensive processing of the theme of musculoskeletal diseases is aimed.. .. problems. Except for the most frequent upper extremity diseases caused by the exposure to..

Aortic dissection
.. breach in the integrity of the aortic wall allows arterial blood to enter.. .. Demková~authors.php?tid=377#Jana Grof.. .. 55-year-old patient with a history of arterial hypertension, an active smoker, with a.. .. features. Physical examination: BP left upper extremity 193/103 mmHg, BP right upper extremity..

Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
.. (OHS) is defined as the combined presence of obesity (BMI > 30kg/m2) with awake arterial.. .. specialist and was admitted to deparment of respiratory diseases. He reported fragmented.. .. cardiomegaly, arterial hypertension, upper back pain, heterozygote for the MTHFR gene..

The Use of the Er:YAG Laser 2940 nm in complex caries removal
.. pain reduction and lack of the vibrations give advantage to LASER cavity.. .. attended our dental practice for laser treatment of carious lesion on the tooth 15 in November 2015.. .. of enamel and carious dentine of the left upper second premolar Er: YAG 2940nm laser was..

Home mechanical ventilation in a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
.. in X-linked recessive pattern. Mutation of dystrophin gene results into a loss of integrity.. .. department in order to assess development of respiratory failure and need to initiate.. .. kyphoscoliosis, flection conctrations of upper and lower limbs, cold extremities, tachycardia..

Acute abdomen - gallstone ileus
.. uncommon entity, which accounts for 1–4% of all presentations to hospital with small bowel.. .. She complained about flatulence and absence of stool last days. Physical finding showed.. .. a surgical intervention. An exploratory upper medial laparotomy was performed: revealing a..

Management of breast cancer
.. cancer in women and the leading cause of cancer death among them worldwide. It includes a.. .. patient presented at the surgery department of our hospital and reported that 2 years ago she.. .. is associated with lymphoedema affecting the upper limb in up to 25% of women following surgery. In.. ..klíčová slova: Carcinoma in situ of breast, carcinoma of breast, diagnostic,..