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VÝSLEDKY NALEZENÉ VE FULLTEXTU: počet nalezených příspěvků: 45 | počet nalezených příspěvků na BRÁNĚ: 14

.. transfer of more severe cases to higher level hospital facilities and burn centres as well as..

Acute abdomen - gallstone ileus
.. accounts for 1–4% of all presentations to hospital with small bowel obstruction and for up to 25%.. .. Patient was discharged after 19 days of hospital stay. Discussion: Gallstone ileus is a rare..

Journey of a swallowed wooden stick to the liver
.. man was referred to the internal department of hospital in Medzilaborce due to febrility, tremor,..

.. be acquired in the community or acquired in the hospital environment, and can be transmitted by the..

Management of pilonidal sinus
.. dressing on alternate days after dismission from hospital in the third postoperative day. The tracks cut..

.. lesions in patients presenting to a teaching hospital. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology 26(2):..

Autoimmune hepatitis
.. yellow and itchy 4 days before he came to the hospital and his urine was dark and stool was lighter. He..

Aortic dissection
.. day for 30 years (15 packyears). Brought to the hospital by an ambulance, at first examined at a..

Cardiac tamponade due to cardiac metastases
.. to internal emergency department of University Hospital in Kosice by ambulance because of chest pain and..

Management of breast cancer
.. presented at the surgery department of our hospital and reported that 2 years ago she had felt a..

.. pneumonia – CAP), v nemocničnom prostredí (hospital acquired pneumonia – HAP), môže byť sp..

Náhrada aortálnej chlopne, plastika trikuspidálnej chlopne
.. popisuje hospitalizáciu ženy so stenózou aortálnej chlopne a sek..

Vyšetření moči
.. základním analýzám, které se provádějí u všech hospitalizovaných nemocných. Základní vyšetřní moči provád..

Náhrada ascendentnej aorty pre aneuryzmu ascendentnej aorty a plastika bikuspidálnej aortálnej chlopne pre kombinovanú chybu
.. popisuje hospitalizáciu pacienta s aneurizmou ascendentnej aorty a ..

Mitral valve replacement and MAZE procedure because of mitral valve stenosis and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
.. case report describes the hospitalization of a 63-year-old patient admitted to the.. .. in 82-years old, 2 births AD: Patient repeatedly hospitalized for cardiac decompensation (last one was 7..

Constrictive pericarditis, reoperation
.. case report describes the hospitalization of a 50-year-old man who underwent..

Aortocoronary bypass
.. case report describes the hospitalization of a 58 year old male admitted to our..

Mitral valve reconstruction because of Barlow's disease with mitral insufficiency, perioperative SAM (systolic anterior motion)
.. case report describes the hospitalization of a 26 year old male with M. Barlow. The.. .. left atrium also dilated Investigation during hospitalization: Transthoracic ECHO- mitral valve - both..

Aortic valve replacement because of aortic valve stenosis, repair of tricuspid valve because of regurgitation
.. case study describes the hospitalization of women with aortic valve stenosis and..

Ascending aorta replacement and repair of aortic valve because of ascending aorta aneurysm and bicuspid aortic valve with regurgitation
.. case report describes the hospitalization of a patient with an ascending aortic..

Appendicitis acuta and Meckel diverticulum
.. most common reasons for surgery and emergency hospitalization due to acute abdominal pain. Accurate.. .. because they are easily accessable in most hospitals. The classic epigastric pain that migrates to..

Posterior wall myocardial infarction
.. Successive examination and the course of hospitalization: - Echocardiography – TTE..

Diabetes mellitus asociovaný s cystickou fibrózou
.. ambulantne sledovaná, spravidla raz ročne hospitalizovaná, bez častých exacerbácií ochorenia vyža..

Primomanifestácia pernicióznej anémie formou rozvoja sekundárneho infarktu myokardu
.. myokardu u 79-ročnej pacientky, ktorá bola hospitalizovaná na internej klinike. Sú pre vás obrazové ..

Akútna apendicitída a Meckelov divertikul
.. chirurgických diagnóz, pre ktorú bývajú pacienti hospitalizovaní pri náhlej príhode brušnej. Správne stan..

Orálna mukozitída pri liečbe akútnej lymfoblastovej leukémie
.. 17-ročný pacient hospitalizovaný na oddelení detskej onkológie a he..

Hypoventilačný syndróm pri obezite
.. roky neskôr bol vyšetrený u pneumológa, následne hospitalizovaný na pľúcnej klinike. Udával prerušovaný spá..

Dentální hygienistka
.. celkovým onemocněním, péče o pacienty dlouhodobě hospitalizovaných, péče o pacienty v sociální domácí péči,..

Infekčná endokarditída trikuspidálnej chlopne u intravenózneho narkomana
.. len pozitivita Staphylococcus aureus v spúte. Perhospitalizačne bol pacient výrazne nekľudný, preto bolo ni..

Home mechanical ventilation in a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
.. need of switching to tracheostomy, frequency of hospitalisations and prolongs life. In noninvasively..

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